Monday, August 15, 2011

Prosperity vs the truth of the gospel

First of all I would have to admit my exasperation over the conduct of so many preachers of the so-called Prosperity Gospel. These money hungry wolves in sheep skins have perveted the gospel of Jesus Christ, declaring that the kingdom citizenship and the previleges thereof can be bought with money as opposed to them being received freely by grace through faith Jesus Christ,

I am calling all men and women of God, young and old, to rise and stand for truth. It is not our job to apologise for what the bible says, our job is to teach and practice what scripture says, with or without the support of the majority. Lets put in place the correct doctrine not the sales pitch that we hear everyday trying to get the people to bring cash into the church. The teachings of TBN, Catholics and other non bible abiding bodies, are straight from Satan and that cannot be denied.

These money preachers are suggesting that when one is not giving tithes and other offerings, they are sinning and possibly do not go to heaven. Some suggestions are that if one is sick, or poor it is because they do not believe God the right way, which is, according to these liars, giving tithes and offerings. Masses today are manipulated to give money in exchange for healing, powerful preaching, jobs, promotions and so on and so forth. The church buildings and centers are filled with motivational financial advising speakers who contravene the scriptures in many different ways.

People are not told to repent, they are taught to give . Giving is not a solution to the sin problem, let alone sickness, but doing the will of God as revealed in the scripture is the solution. Even the blesssings and successes that is promised to the givers is on the scriptural basis, conditional. For example Deuteronomy 28, being blessed, owning nations, becoming the head and not the tail, depends upon the condition laid in the first verse which is to obey the word of God. Joshua lays down a condition too, the book of the law must be on the mouth always and be meditated upon day and night, to have everything written in it observed, then will the success and prosperity kick in. David also lays down a condition, Palm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart. Also Jesus laid down a few conditions, Matthew 6:33, Kingdom of God and his righteouness must be a priority then provision a guaranteed. John 15:7, His words must be in us and we in Him, then we ask what we desire and it will be given us.

Let us preach the Word as it should be preached!!!!

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