When you look around you, you will notice that there are big and small establishments. What these establishments have in common is that they started in someone's mind as a dream. That someone spoke of, believed on and took action towards the realisation of their dream. Things began to happen.
What was not imaginable in the past was made possible by dreaming, faith and hard work. The impossible became the daily norm, the uncommon became well known and accepted. You can dream too and bring change to the world.
Dr Robert Schuller writes "A man dies when he stops dreaming. Fear not that you shall die. Fear rather that you shall stop living before you die." This statement is sadly true. So much potential is burried while the bearer is yet alive. Many grave diggers are tarvern owners, illegal drug distributors and the list is endless. People are losing their dreams now and again. There is still hope if a person hasn't given up the ghost. There is a possibility to raise them from their painful death of dreamlessness. Where is your dream now?
Where is your dream today? What you are doing now, is it helping you to kill or build your dream? I believe that dreaming is not enough on its own to change your life . Your dream requires you to support it with positive thoughts, faith and positive actions that are relevent to the nature of your dream. Write down your dream and make it clear, confess, believe in it, share it with other people, listen to their opinions and do an analysis on those opinions, make an action plan and execute.
One man writes "Life is a field of unlimited posibilities." So When you have faith you can see your dreams happening, because everything is possible to those who believe. Take your licence and dream yourself to success.
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